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Slit-faced bat (Nycteris thebaica)


Onboard Sensors Reveal New Insights into Animal Decision-Making

Goldshtein, A., and Yovel, Y., (2024). Onboard Sensors Reveal New Insights into Animal Decision-Making. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 55:115-31.

Acoustic cognitive map–based navigation in echolocating bats

Goldshtein, A., Chen, X., Amichai, E., Boonman, A., Harten, L., Yinon, O., Orchan, Y., Nathan, R., Toledo, S., Couzin, I.D. and Yovel, Y., (2024). Acoustic cognitive map–based navigation in echolocating bats. Science, 386(6721), pp.561-567. DOI: 10.1126/science.adn6269

Elevated vitamin D levels in diurnally-active female fruit bats

Eitan, O., Weinberg, M., Lavie Alon, N., Hiram-Bab, S., Barkai, Y., Assa, R.,  Rachum, A., Yinon, O., and Yovel, Y. (2024) Elevated vitamin D levels in diurnally-active female fruit bats. Heliyon, 10,20.

A social foraging trade-off in echolocating bats reveals that they benefit from some conspecifics but are impaired when many are around

Krivoruchko, k., Koblitz, J.C., Goldshtein, A., Biljman, K., Guillén-Servent, A., and Yovel, Y. (2024) A social foraging trade-off in echolocating bats reveals that they benefit from some conspecifics but are impaired when many are around. PNAS, 121, 30.

Time-mapping and future-oriented behavior in free-ranging wild fruit bats

Harten, L., Chen, X., Marcas, L.D., Rachum, A., Handel, M., Goldshtein, A., Levi, M.F., Rosencwaig, S. and Yovel, Y. (2024) Time Mapping and Future Oriented Behavior Demonstrated in Free-Ranging Wild Fruit Bats. Current Biology, 34, 1-6.

Using acoustic cameras to study Vocal mobbing reveals the importance of learning in juvenile Arabian babblers

Guggenberger, M., Boonman, A., Keynan, O., & Yovel, Y. (2024) Using acoustic cameras to study Vocal mobbing reveals the importance of learning in juvenile Arabian babblers. Frontiers in Bird Science 3:1385017.

Species and habitat specific changes in bird activity in an urban environment during Covid 19 lockdown

Sun, C., Hassin, Y., Boonman, A., Shwartz, A. and Yovel Y. (2024) Species and habitat specific changes in bird activity in an urban environment during Covid 19 lockdown. eLife 12:RP88064.

Fruit bats adjust their decision-making process according to environmental dynamics

Naamani, G., Shahar, N., Ger, Y. et al. Fruit bats adjust their decision-making process according to environmental dynamics. BMC Biology 21, 278 (2023).

What determines the information update rate in echolocating bats

Taub, M., Goldshtein, A., Boonman, A. et al. What determines the information update rate in echolocating bats. Communications Biology 6, 1187 (2023).

AI and the Doctor Dolittle challenge

Yovel, Y., & Rechavi, O. (2023) AI and the Doctor Dolittle challenge. Current Biology 33, 15.

BATScan: A radar classification tool reveals large-scale bat migration patterns

Werber, Y., Sextin, H., Yovel, Y., & Sapir, N. (2023). BATScan: A radar classification tool reveals large-scale bat migration patterns. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1, 16.

Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative

Khait, I., Lewin-Epstein, O., Sharon, R., Saban, K., Goldstein, R., Anikster, Y., Zeron, Y., Agassy, C., Nizan, S., Sharabi, G., Perelman, R., Boonman, A., Sade, N., Yovel, Y. & Hadany, L. (2023) Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative. Cell, 186(7), 1328-1336.

Bat bio-assisted sampling (BAS) for monitoring urban heat island

Chudnovsky, A., Goldshtein, A., Shashua-Bar, L., Yovel, Y., & Potchter, O. (2023). Bat bio-assisted sampling (BAS) for monitoring urban heat island. Applied Geography, 155.

Bats experience age-related hearing loss

Tarnovsky, C. Y., Taiber, S., Nissan, Y., Boonman, A., Assaf, Y., Wilkinson, S. G., Avraham, B. K., & Yovel, Y. (2023) Bats experience age-related hearing loss. Life Science Alliance, 6 (6) e202201847; DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202201847

Pregnancy-related sensory deficits might impair foraging in echolocating bats

Taub, M., Mazar, O., & Yovel Y. (2023) Pregnancy-related sensory deficits might impair foraging in echolocating bats. BMC Biology 21, 60. DOI 10.1186/s12915-023-01557-7.

Bat vocal sequences enhance contextual information independently of syllable order

Amit, Y., & Yovel, Y. (2023) Bat vocal sequences enhance contextual information independently of syllable order. iScience, doi:

Echolocating bats rapidly adjust their mouth gape to control spatial acquisition when scanning a target

Eitan, O., Taub, M., Boonman, A., Zviran, A., Tourbabin, V., Weiss, A.J. & Yovel, Y. (2022) Echolocating bats rapidly adjust their mouth gape to control spatial acquisition when scanning a target. BMC Biology 20, 282.

An artificial neural network explains how bats might use vision for navigation

Goldshtein, A., Akrish, S., Giryes, R. & Yovel, Y. (2022) An artificial neural network explains how bats might use vision for navigation. Communications Biology 5, 1325.

Drone-mounted audio-visual deterrence of bats: implications for reducing aerial wildlife mortality by wind turbines

Werber, Y., Hareli, G., Yinon, O., Sapir, N. & Yovel, Y. (2022) Drone-mounted audio-visual deterrence of bats: implications for reducing aerial wildlife mortality by wind turbines. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Seasonal challenges of tropical bats in temperate zones

Weinberg, M., Mazar, O., Rachum, A., Chen, X., Goutink, S., Lifshitz, N., Winter-Livneh, R., Czirjak, G. & Yovel, Y. (2022) Seasonal challenges of tropical bats in temperate zones. Scientific Reports 12, 16869.

Revising the paradigm: Are bats really pathogen reservoirs or do they possess an efficient immune system?

Weinberg, M. & Yovel, Y. (2022) Revising the paradigm: Are bats really pathogen reservoirs or do they possess an efficient immune system? iScience,

Functional daylight echolocation in highly visual bats

Eitan, O., Weinberg, M., Danilovich, S., Barkai, Y., Assa, R., Yovel, Y. (2022) Functional daylight echolocation in highly visual bats. Current Biology 32, 7.

A bio-mimetic miniature drone for real-time audio based short-range tracking

Zigelman R, Eitan O, Mazar O, Weiss A, Yovel Y (2022) A bio-mimetic miniature drone for real-time audio based short-range tracking. PLOS Computational Biology 18(3): e1009936.

Mother bats facilitate pup navigation learning

Goldshtein, A., Harten, L., & Yovel, Y. (2021) Mother bats facilitate pup navigation learning. Current Biology 32, 1-11.

Flight rapidly modulates body temperature in freely behaving bats

Luo, J., Greif, S., Ye, H., Bumrungsri, S., Eitan, O. & Yovel, Y. (2021) Flight rapidly modulates body temperature in freely behaving bats. Animal Biotelemetry 9, 45.

Urban bat pups take after their mothers and are bolder and faster learners than rural pups

Harten, L., Gonceer, N., Handel, M., Dash, O., Fokidis, B.H., & Yovel, Y. (2021) Urban bat pups take after their mothers and are bolder and faster learners than rural pups. BMC Biology 19, 190.

Adaptive learning and recall of motor-sensory sequences in adult echolocating bats

Taub, M., Yovel, Y. (2021) Adaptive learning and recall of motor-sensory sequences in adult echolocating bats. BMC Biology 19, 164.

Fruit bats adjust their foraging strategies to urban environments to diversify their diet

Egert-Berg, K., Handel, M., Goldshtein, A., Eitan, O., Borissov, I., & Yovel, Y. (2021). Fruit bats adjust their foraging strategies to urban environments to diversify their diet. BMC biology,19(1), 1-11.

Echolocating bats rely on an innate speed-of-sound reference

E. Amichai & Y. Yovel (2021). Echolocating bats rely on an innate speed-of-sound reference. PNAS 118 (19) e2024352118;doi: 10.1073/pnas.2024352118.

Sick Bats Stay Home Alone: Social distancing during the acute phase response in Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus)

Moreno, K. R., Weinberg, M., Harten, L., Ramos, V. B. S.,Herrera-M, L. G., Czirjk, G. ., & Yovel, Y. (2021). Sick Bats Stay Home Alone: Social distancing during the acute phase response in Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1-13. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14600.

Fireflies produce ultrasonic clicks during flight as a potential aposematic anti-bat signal

Krivoruchko, K., Goldshtein, A., Boonman, A., Eitan, O., Ben-Simon, J., Thong, V. D., & Yovel, Y. (2021). Fireflies produce ultrasonic clicks during flight as a potential aposematic anti-bat signal. iScience, 24:3. doi:

Echolocating bats can adjust sensory acquisition based on internal cues

Boonman, A., Rieger, I., Amichai, E., Greif, S., Eitan, O., Goldshtein, A., & Yovel, Y. (2020). Echolocating bats can adjust sensory acquisition based on internal cues. BMC biology, 18(1), 1-10.

Echolocating bats detect but misperceive a multidimensional incongruent acoustic stimulus

Danilovich, S., Shalev, G., Boonman, A., Goldshtein, A., & Yovel, Y. (2020). Echolocating bats detect but misperceive a multidimensional incongruent acoustic stimulus. PNAS .doi:10.1073/pnas.2005009117/-/DCSupplemental.

Reinforcement Learning Enables Resource Partitioning in Foraging Bats

Goldshtein, A., Handel, M., Eitan, O., Bonstein, A., Shaler, T., Collet, S., Greif, S., Medellin, R.A., Emek, Y., Korman, A. & Yovel, Y. (2020) Reinforcement Learning Enables Resource Partitioning in Foraging Bats. Current Biology 30, 17.

A sensorimotor model shows why a spectral jamming avoidance response does not help bats deal with jamming

Mazar, O. & Yovel, Y. (2020) A sensorimotor model shows why a spectral jamming avoidance response does not help bats deal with jamming. eLife; 9:e55539 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.55539.

Echolocation at high intensity imposes metabolic costs on flying bats

Currie, S.E., Boonman, A., Troxell, S., Yovel, Y. & Voigt, C.C. (2020) Echolocation at high intensity imposes metabolic costs on flying bats. Nature ecology & evolution, 4, 1174-1177.

The ontogeny of a mammalian cognitive map in the real world

L. Harten, A. Katz, A. Goldshtein, M. Handel & Y. Yovel (2020) The ontogeny of a mammalian cognitive map in the real world. Science, 369, 194-197. DOI: 10.1126/science.aay3354.

Conservation of brain connectivity and wiring across the mammalian class

Assaf, Y., Bouznach, A., Zomet, O., Marom, A., & Yovel, Y. (2020). Conservation of brain connectivity and wiring across the mammalian class. Nature Neuroscience, 23, 805-808.

Decision making in foraging bats

Y. Prat, Y. Yovel (2020) Decision making in foraging bats. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 60, 169-175. ISSN 0959-4388.

The Robat-A Robot That Senses the World and Maps It Using Sound, Like a Bat

Yovel, Y and Eliakim, I (2020) The Robat-A Robot That Senses the World and Maps It Using Sound, Like a Bat. Frontiers for Young Minds. 8:7. doi: 10.3389/frym.2020.00007

The benefits of insect-swarm hunting to echolocating bats, and its influence on the evolution of bat echolocation signals

Boonman A, Fenton B, Yovel Y (2019) The benefits of insect-swarm hunting to echolocating bats, and its influence on the evolution of bat echolocation signals. PLOS Computational Biology 15(12): e1006873.

Sensory gaze stabilization in echolocating bats

Eitan. O, Kosa. G and Yovel. Y (2019) Sensory gaze stabilization in echolocating bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 286.

Flowers respond to pollinator sound within minutes by increasing nectar sugar concentration

M. Veits, I. Khait, U. Obolski, E. Zinger, A. Boonman, A. Goldshtein, K. Saban, R. Seltzer, U. Ben-Dor,1 Paz Estlein,1 A. Kabat, D. Peretz, I. Ratzersdorfer, S. Krylov, D. Chamovitz, Y. Sapir, Y. Yovel, L. Hadany (2019) Flowers respond to pollinator sound within minutes by increasing nectar sugar concentration. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.13331

Integrating vision and echolocation for navigation and perception in bats

Danilovich, S., and Yovel, Y. (2019) Integrating vision and echolocation for navigation and perception in bats. Science Advances,5: eaaw6503

Acoustic evaluation of behavioral states predicted from GPS tracking: a case study of a marine fishing bat

Hurme, E., Gurarie, E., Greif, S., Herrera M.L.G., Flores-Martinez, J. J., Wilkinson, G.S., and Yovel, Y. (2019) Acoustic evaluation of behavioral states predicted from GPS tracking: a case study of a marine fishing bat. Movement Ecology,7:21

Food for Sex in Bats Revealed as Producer Males Reproduce with Scrounging Females

Harten, L., Prat, Y., Ben Cohen, S., Dor, R. & Yovel, Y. (2019) Food for Sex in Bats Revealed as Producer Males Reproduce with Scrounging Females. Current Biology 29, 1-6

Ultrasound Imaging Reveals Accelerated In-utero Development of a Sensory Apparatus in Echolocating Bats

E. Amichai, S. Tal, A. Boonman & Y. Yovel (2019) Ultrasound Imaging Reveals Accelerated In-utero Development of a Sensory Apparatus in Echolocating Bats. Scientific Reports 9, 5275

Segregating signal from noise through movement in echolocating bats

Taub, M., Yovel, Y. (2020) Segregating signal from noise through movement in echolocating bats. Scientific Reports 10, 382. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-57346-2

Coordinated change at the colony level in fruit bat fur microbiomes through time

Kolodny, O., Weinberg, M., Reshef, L., Harten, L., Hefetz, A., Gophna, U., Feldman, M.W. & Yovel, Y. (2018). Coordinated change at the colony level in fruit bat fur microbiomes through time. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1

Resource ephemerality drives social foraging in bats

Egert-Berg et al. (2018) Resource ephemerality drives social foraging in bats. Current Biology, Volume 28, 17

A fully autonomous terrestrial bat-like acoustic robot

Eliakim I, Cohen Z, Kosa G, Yovel Y (2018) A fully autonomous terrestrial bat-like acoustic robot. PLOS Computational Biology 14(9): e1006406.

Neuroethology of bat navigation

Genzel. D, Y. Yovel, M.M. Yartsev (2018) Neuroethology of bat navigation. Current Biology , Volume 28 , Issue 17 , R997 - R1004

Persistent producer-scrounger relationships in bats

L. Harten, Y. Matalon, N. Galli, H. Navon, R. Dor, Y. Yovel (2018) Persistent producer-scounger relationships in bats. Science Advances 4: e1603293

Bats use path-integration rather than acoustic- flow to assess flight distance along flyways

G. Aharon, M. Sadot, Y. Yovel (2017) Bats use path-integration rather than acoustic- flow to assess flight distance along flyways. Current Biology 27, 1-8 

Crowd vocal learning induces vocal dialects in bats: Playback of conspecifics shapes fundamental frequency usage by pups

Prat Y, Azoulay L, Dor R, Yovel Y (2017) Crowd vocal learning induces vocal dialects in bats: Playback of conspecifics shapes fundamental frequency usage by pups. PLOS Biology 15(10): e2002556

An annotated dataset of Egyptian fruit bat vocalizations across varying contexts and during vocal ontogeny

Prat, Y., Taub, M., Pratt, E., & Yovel, Y. (2017) An annotated dataset of Egyptian fruit bat vocalizations across varying contexts and during vocal ontogeny. Scientific data, 4, 170143

Bats pre-adapt sensory acquisition according to target distance prior to takeoff even in the presence of closer background objects

E. Amichai, Y. Yovel (2017) Bats pre-adapt sensory acquisition according to target distance prior to takeoff even in the presence of closer background objects. Scientific Reports 7, 467

Principles and Patterns of Bat Movements: From Aerodynamics to Ecology

Christian C. Voigt, Winifred F. Frick, Marc W. Holderied, Richard Holland, Gerald Kerth, Marco A. R. Mello, Raina K. Plowright, Sharon Swartz, and Yossi Yovel (2017) Principles and Patterns of Bat Movements: From Aerodynamics to Ecology. The Quarterly Review of Biology 92:3, 267-287

Everyday bat vocalizations contain information about emitter, addressee, context, and behavior

Y. Prat, M. Taub, Y. Yovel (2016) Everyday bat vocalizations contain information about emitter, addressee, context, and behavior. Scientific Reports 6, 39419

Calling louder and longer: how bats use biosonar under severe acoustic interference from other bats

Amichai E, Blumrosen G, & Yovel Y (2015) Calling louder and longer: how bats use biosonar under severe acoustic interference from other bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 282(1821)

Bats regulate biosonar based on the availability of visual information

S. Danilovich, A. Krishnan, W. J. Lee, I. Borrisov, O. Eitan, G. Kosa, C. F. Moss,  Y. Yovel (2015) Bats regulate biosonar based on the availability of visual information. Current Biology 25(23), 1107-1125

Spatial cognition in bats and rats: from sensory acquisition to multiscale maps and navigation

Geva-Sagiv M, Yovel Y, Las L & Ulanovsky N (2015) Spatial cognition in bats and rats: from sensory acquisition to multiscale maps and navigation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16, 94-108

Object localization using a biosonar beam: how opening your mouth improves localization

G. Arditi, A.J. Weiss, Y.Yovel (2015) Object localization using a biosonar beam: how opening your mouth improves localization. Royal Society open science 2 150225

Bats adjust their mouth gape to zoom in their biosonar field of view

P. Kounitsky, J. Rydell, E. Amichai, A. Boonman, O. Eitan, A. J. Weiss, Y. Yovel (2015) Bats adjust their mouth gape to zoom in their biosonar field of view. PNAS, 112 (21), 6724-6729

Vocal learning in a social mammal demonstrated by isolation and playback experiments in bat

Y. Prat, M. Taub, Y. Yovel (2015) Vocal learning in a social mammal demonstrated by isolation and playback experiments in bat. Science Advances 1(2) e1500019

A sensory-motor Control model of animal flight explains why bats fly differently in light versus dark

N. S. Bar, S. Skogestad, J. M. Marcal, N. Ulanovsky & Y. Yovel, (2015) A sensory-motor Control model of animal flight explains why bats fly differently in light versus dark. PLOS Biology,13(1): e1002046

On-board recordings reveal no jamming avoidance in wild bat

N. Cvikel, E. Levin, E. Hurme, I. Borissov, A. Boonman, E. Amichai, & Y. Yovel, (2015) On-board recordings reveal no jamming avoidance in wild bat. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 282

Bats aggregate to improve prey search but might be impaired when their density becomes too high

N. Cvikel, K. E. Berg, E. Levin, E. Hurme, I. Borissov, A. Boonman, E. Amichai, & Y. Yovel, (2015) Bats aggregate to improve prey search but might be impaired when their density becomes too high. Current Biology, 24: 2962-2967

Non-echolocating fruit-bats produce bio-sonar clicks with their wings

A. Boonman, S. Bumrungsri, Y. Yovel, (2014) Non-echolocating fruit-bats produce bio-sonar clicks with their wings. Current Biology, 24(24):2962-7

A functional role of the sky's polarization pattern for orientation in the greater mouse-eared bat

Greif, S., Borissov I., Yovel, Y., Holland, RA. (2014) A functional role of the sky's polarization pattern for orientation in the greater mouse-eared bat. Nature Communications 5:4488. 

It's not black or white: on the range of vision and echolocation in echolocating bats

A. Boonman, Y. Bar-On, Y. Yovel, (2013) It's not black or white: on the range of vision and echolocation in echolocating bats. Frontiers in Physiology 2: 248.

Active control of acoustic field-of-view in a biosonar system

Y. Yovel, B. Falk, C. F. Moss, N. Ulanovsky, (2011) Active control of acoustic field-of-view in a biosonar system. PLOS Biology, 9(9): e1001147.

Systematische Merkmalsbewertung in komplexen Ultraschallsignalen mit Lernmaschinen

M. Franz Y. Yovel, M. L. Melcon, P. Stilz, H-U. Schnitzler (2011) Systematische Merkmalsbewertung in komplexen Ultraschallsignalen mit Lernmaschinen. Informatik-Spektrum 1-6.

Click based echolocation: not so primitive after all

Y. Yovel, M. Geva, N. Ulanovsky, (2011) Click based echolocation: not so primitive after all. Journal of Comparative Physiology 197: 515-530.

Complex echo classification by echo-locating bats: a review

Y. Yovel, M. Franz, P. Stilz, H-U. Schnitzler, (2011) Complex echo classification by echo-locating bats: a review. Journal of Comparative Physiology 197: 475-490.

How greater mouse-eared bats deal with ambiguous echoic scenes

M.L. Melcon, Y. Yovel, (equal contribution), A. Denzinger, H-U Schnitzler, (2011) How greater mouse-eared bats deal with ambiguous echoic scenes. Journal of Comparative Physiology 197: 505-514.

How Can Dolphins Recognize Fish According to Their Echoes? A Statistical Analysis of Fish Echoes

Y. Yovel, WWL. Au (2010) How Can Dolphins Recognize Fish According to Their Echoes? A Statistical Analysis of Fish Echoes. PLOS ONE 5(11): e14054.

Optimal localization by pointing off-axis

Y. Yovel, B. Falk, C. F. Moss, N. Ulanovsky, (2010) Optimal localization by pointing off-axis. Science 327, 701-704.

The voice of bats: how greater mouse-eared bats recognize individuals based on their echolocation calls

Y. Yovel, M.L. Melcon (equal contribution), M.O. Franz, A. Denzinger, H-U Schnitzler, (2009) The voice of bats: how greater mouse-eared bats recognize individuals based on their echolocation calls. PLOS Computational Biology 4(3): e1000400.

What a plant sounds like: the statistics of vegetation echoes as received by echolocating bats

Y. Yovel, P. Stilz, M.O. Franz, A. Boonman,H-U Schnitzler, (2009) What a plant sounds like: the statistics of vegetation echoes as received by echolocating bats. PLOS Computational Biology 5(7): e1000429. 

Cluster analysis of resting-state fMRI time series

A. Mezer, Y. Yovel, O. Pasternak, T. Gorfine, Y. Assaf, (2009) Cluster analysis of resting-state fMRI time series. NeuroImage 45(4), 1117-1125. 

Plant Classification from Bat-Like Echolocation Signals

Y. Yovel, M. O. Franz, P. Stilz, H-U. Schnitzler (2008) Plant Classification from Bat-Like Echolocation Signals. PLOS Computational Biology 4(3): e1000032. 

AxCaliber: a method for measuring axon diameter distribution from diffusion MRI

Y. Assaf, T. Blumenfeld-Katzir, Y. Yovel, P. J. Basser (2008) AxCaliber: a method for measuring axon diameter distribution from diffusion MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 59, 1347 1354.

Virtual Definition of Neuronal Tissue by Cluster Analysis of Multi-parametric Imaging (virtual-dot-com imaging)

Y. Yovel and Y. Assaf )2007) Virtual Definition of Neuronal Tissue by Cluster Analysis of Multi-parametric Imaging (virtual-dot-com imaging). NeuroImage 35(1), 58 69. 

Have introduced fish initiated piscivory among the long-fingered bat?

E. Levin, A. Barnea, Y. Yovel and Y. Yom-Tov (2006) Have introduced fish initiated piscivory among the long-fingered bat? Mammalian Biology 71, 139 143.

A Neural Model of Demyelination of the Mouse Spinal Cord

B. Petreska, and Y. Yovel (2008) A Neural Model of Demyelination of the Mouse Spinal Cord. In Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2008). Won the award for best student work

Peer-reviewed conference article
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